Getting started

This section describes how to set up a shepherd-instance in a tethered setup.


To set up an instance of shepherd, you’ll need to assemble a number of shepherd observers.

For each node, you’ll need:

  • BeagleBone (Green/Black)

  • shepherd cape

    • for recording: harvesting transducer, e.g. solar cell

    • for emulation: target board

In addition, you’ll need at least one SD-card with at least 4GB capacity. To setup linux and control the nodes a linux host-machine is recommended, but the terminal in macOS or WSL on Windows should work as well.

For details to the cape and additional hardware take a look at the hardware section.

The shepherd cape has a large number of small components. We suggest to send it to a PCB fab for assembly.

If you don’t have the necessary resource or need assistance with getting the hardware manufactured, get in touch with the developers.

To connect the shepherd observers to each other for control, data collection and time-synchronization, you need to set up an Ethernet network. The network should be as flat as possible, i.e. have a minimum number of switches. This prevents possible trouble and also improves time synchronization with ptp. For sub 1 us offsets a hardware accelerated switch (like the Cisco Catalyst Series) is beneficial. By default, the BeagleBone Ubuntu image is configured to request an IP address by DHCP. Therefore, your network should have a DHCP server.

Hardware setup

Stack the cape on top of the BeagleBone. The two 23×2 headers of the cape plug into the BeagleBone (P8 and P9). Additionally, connect a harvesting source or target board to the cape. Pay attention to the 2×2 harvesting header P6 on the cape. The corresponding signal labels are printed on the backside. Stack the target PCB on top of the shepherd cape. The cape offers two ports P10 and P11 on the right side, additionally labeled A & B.

Provide all BeagleBones with power through either the USB type C port on the cape or the screw in connector right below it. Also connect the Ethernet ports to an Ethernet switch. Using a PoE switch and corresponding power splitters can greatly reduce the cabling requirements. These can introduce noise into the system though. We designed an additional filtering regulator to allow input voltages up to 17 V that can be put in between.

The DHCP server and your machine (for installation/control) must be connected to the same network.

Installation - Images

Shepherd is been tested and used on Debian based distributions. Fresh images can be sourced from the rcn-ee-repo. Be sure to select the ones that armhf, minimal, -ti and am335x in the name / path. The following overview gives some recommendations. Be aware that this repo is updated constantly and links may break. Time of writing is 2024-07-08.

  • Debian 12 Bookwork is tested, fully working and recommended. It comes with python 3.11

  • ~Ubuntu 20.04~ is not supported anymore, due to the outdated bundled python 3.8

  • Ubuntu 22.04 is tested and working, but not recommended anymore, due to the outdated bundled python 3.10

  • ~Ubuntu 24.04~ is not supported yet. It comes with the newest python 3.12, but properly boot with linux-image-4.19.x

NOTE: you can also choose to download pre-configured shepherd-images. See the more entry-friendly guide below.

Installation - Full Guide

Prepare the SD-cards with the selected image. If you plan to install the OS and shepherd software on the onboard EMMC flash, you can prepare one SD card and sequentially flash the nodes. If you plan to install the OS and shepherd software on SD card, you have to prepare one SD card for every observer. Depending on your choice, follow the official instructions for BeagleBone. There is also a simplified and more detailed install-instruction in the following section.

After installing the OS on the BeagleBones and booting them, determine their IP addresses. If you know the subnet, you can use nmap from your machine, for example:


Clone the shepherd repository to your machine:

git clone

Add an inventory file in the inventory folder in the repository, assigning hostnames to the IP addresses of the shepherd observers. Just start by editing the provided inventory/herd.yml example. Pick a username that you want to use to log in to the system and assign as ansible_user variable.

    ansible_user: jane


Deployment supports roles that can be assigned directly in herd.yml. The example above shows how to use them exemplary by setting up sheep0 as a PTP-Server (ptp_servers) and the remaining nodes as Clients (ptp_clients). Additional roles are called ntp_clients, gps_clients and secured. The last one is used to reduce the attack surface when used in a testbed by removing default accounts, open ports and other listeners.

We’ll use Ansible to roll out a basic configuration to the nodes. This includes setting the hostname, adding the user, allowing password-less ssh access and sudo without password. Make sure that you have Python >=3.6, pip and sshpass installed on your machine. Install Ansible with:

pip3 install ansible

Navigate to the root-directory of the cloned shepherd-project. Now run the bootstrap Ansible playbook using the previously prepared inventory file:

ansible-playbook deploy/bootstrap.yml

To streamline the installation process, the shepherd software is installed via ansible as well. The deployment playbook allows to easily automate this process on a group of nodes.

ansible-playbook deploy/deploy.yml

On success, the nodes will reboot and should be ready for use, for example, using the shepherd-herd command line utility.

Further playbooks:

  • maintenance.yml will handle updates, some configuration, remove clutter, improve ram-usage and boot-duration

  • fetch-hostkeys.yml will copy keys from nodes, handy firmware resets, while keeping keys

  • setup_pwdless_ssh_for_host.yml will deposit your machines’ certificates on the nodes for future passwordless login

  • setup-dev-nfs.yml establish a local network file system /opt/shepherd-dev for the nodes to access

  • setup-ext-storage.yml will format and automount sd-card to /var/shepherd/recordings

  • dev_rebuild_sw.yml hot-swaps pru-firmware (& kernel-module & py-package) by compiling and flashing without restart

Installation - ready-to-use image

The following guide sets up a single observer by deploying a ready-to-use shepherd-image. The steps are more detailed and try to simplify the process for new users by cutting away the first instructions from the installation-guide in the previous section (up to shepherd-deploy with ansible). The guide is written for Windows 10 (or newer) as host. Linux users can easily adapt.

As new hardware and unknown software can be intimidating the steps were also filmed and put on YouTube for comparing the progress.

First step is downloading the current shepherd-image and flashing it to a micro-sd-card with balenaEtcher in admin mode. Note that other tools like rufus probably don’t work. Select the (still compressed .img.xz) image and choose the appropriate drive to begin flashing.

Insert the prepared sd-card into the Beaglebone, connect the device via ethernet-cable to your local network and finally power the Beaglebone with a USB-Wall-Charger or any other power source with 5V and at least 500 mA.

After power-up all LEDs should light up immediately for ~1s. From then on the outermost LED acts as a permanent heartbeat and the other 3 LEDs show different IO usage. Boot is finished when the LEDs stop being busy (~30s). After that you can log in.

How to connect? There are at least three options. In most cases you can access the system by using the hostname sheep0. If that does not work you can check the list of network-devices compiled by your routers webinterface. Alternatively you can scan your local IP-space with an ip scanner, in our example the Angry IP Scanner was used. Look for the hostname sheep0 or the MAC-Vendor Texas Instruments in the list. Be sure to use the IP-space of the correct network device of your host device - there might be more than one.

Configure WSL on Windows with a Linux of your choice (we recommend a generic Ubuntu) or you can use the PowerShell if OpenSSH is installed as an optional feature (windows > settings > apps > optional features).

The commands below open a secure shell (ssh) to the Beaglebone. As it’s an unknown device you have to accept a new fingerprint (or host key) once before entering the password temppwd of the Beaglebone. The console will also tell you the password while trying to log in. Notice how the current console-line now begins with ubuntu@sheep0. It means you are logged in and every issued command will be executed on the Beaglebone. To quit the shell type exit (remember for later).

# login via host-name (requires local DNS)
ssh ubuntu@sheep0
# or IP-based (replace IP from your setup)
ssh ubuntu@

Now it is recommended to check if ubuntu was indeed started from the sd-card as the Beaglebones own flash-storage could contain & boot an old OS.

uname -a
# ⤷ the string should contain "4.19" & "focal"
ll /dev/mmc*
# ⤷ should show mmcblk0* (SD-Card) and mmcblk1* (internal eMMC)
# ⤷ should show that /dev/mmcblk0p1 (SD-Card) is "/" (root-directory) usually on line 1

If the tests are positive it is safe to use the image as is from sd-card. Alternatively it is also possible to copy the OS to the internal eMMC for slightly improved performance. Note that the recommended eMMC flasher does not work, but dd can be used instead:

sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0p1 of=/dev/mmcblk1p1
# ⤷ takes 10 - 20 min

After the command finishes shut down the Beaglebone either by sudo shutdown now or by pushing the button next to the ethernet socket. Remove the sd-card and boot the system back up again. Repeat the tests from above and make sure that the output matches except that mount now shows mmcblk1p1 (eMMC) as root-directory.

For password-less entry & usage of the Beaglebone we prepared an ansible playbook. Make sure that you cloned the shepherd-repository locally and installed ansible (compare with general installation-guide from previous section) and also configured the herd.yml in consultation with the full installation guide.

# execute in shepherd-repo on host
ansible-playbook ./deploy/setup_pwless_ssh_for_host.yml

Now that the Software is ready, a basic test of the shepherd-framework can be run. It is possible to start a pre-configured harvesting demo, even without a cape. This can be done either on the Beaglebone itself:

sudo shepherd-sheep run --config /etc/shepherd/example_config_harvest.yaml

or on the host by installing and using shepherd-herd. After following the linked installation guide the same test can be run with:

shepherd-herd start

Note that this will load a slightly different configuration-file (/etc/shepherd/config.yaml).